About Us

ATDC is an organization which focuses on Technical Consultancy, Training and Research in Electronics and Information Technology domains. We offer quality engineering services in Embedded, VLSI, DSP, Robotics and other IT related technologies which ensures maximum customer delight. We have a dedicated training wing which offers quality trainings in specialized technology areas to corporate as well as technology aspirants to meet the current industrial requirements.

ATDC provides solutions and services for various industry segments including Home automation, Industry Automation and related industries.

Our Vision

"To create a fully collaborative environment in which we will add more values to the project. We can deliver exactly what the company needs, when it needs it, and we will deliver".

High speed, low cost with best quality of products”.

Our Mission

"The heart and soul of the company is Innovation, Creativity and Innovation for the betterment of society."

CEO's Message: "At the highest level, I view my role as CEO is to inspire the Vision and connect the people with resources to execute that vision. the fundamental role is about having a vision and getting resources - the Tools, Skills and Knowledge -at right time to the people who can excute the vision".